Frederick I, Duke of Austria (Babenberg), Duke of Austria from 1195 to 1198; Frederick II, Duke of Austria (12191246), last Duke of Austria from the Babenberg dynasty; Frederick the Fair (Frederick I of Austria (Habsburg), 12861330), Duke of Austria and King of the Romans; Baden He was the first to assume the title Czar of Russia. The Ottomans lost in 1697. The timing for the war was ideal. He desperately sought to remedy the situation. He introduced to the country a code of laws. With the help of both the conversion of the eastern Slavs to Christianity and the loose but real political unification of the eastern, Slavic territories under a single prince and a single dynasty in the eleventh century were in the mainstream of European medieval civilization.. After the death of Great Prince Iaroslav the Wise, the powerful principality in present-day Ukraine disintegrated into competing political units. Furthermore, the Swedish left, hindered by the marshes, would be unable to add any additional weight to the attack. Representing local elites of landowners and merchants, the several estates opposed increasing taxes to fund the military and diplomatic ambitions of the elector, particularly if those taxes were to be spent elsewhere than where they were raised. Swedens acute lack of resources and funds made its recent conquests extremely vulnerable. During the Thirty Years' War, George William strove to maintain, with a minimal army, a delicate balance between the Protestant and Catholic forces fighting throughout the Holy Roman Empire. }[rI"ml %Q 6Z 3 Tugwl0_;{\a="2O.(ppxwg-O7/Sa7Fp7exT Waldemar found the bridge smoldering yet still very much intact. Compounding matters, the Austrians consistently blamed the campaigns dismal outcome directly on Frederick William. Its current ruler, the elector Frederick William, having come to power during the Thirty Years War, had suffered the humiliation of being unable to prevent foreigners from marching through and devastating his lands. Frederick William was overwhelmed with dismay. After procrastinating for as long as possible, Charles at last issued the order to take the offensive. By 1678, Frederick William had cleared Swedish Pomerania and occupied most of it, with the exception of Rgen which was held by DenmarkNorway. To the Swedish rear lay a conglomeration of large swampsa certain detriment should a sudden, hurried retreat be necessary. The army marched in three sections: the left under Prince Friedrich II of Hesse-Homburg, the right led by General Joachim Ernst von Gortzke, and the center directed by Derfflinger. Absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in buying from again! Although it had made a profound statement, Brandenburg remained a minor continental player, still subject to the whims of the larger powers. As Brandenburg-Prussia remained economically impoverished after the Thirty Years War, he hoped to replicate the mercantile successes of the Dutch East India Company. He settled some 20,000 Huguenot refugees from France in his domains, which helped establish industry and trade, as did the foreign craftsmen he brought in. was the time period 1598 to 1613 when Russia struggled to find an heir. a form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power. This was followed by another success against Sweden, when Frederick William cleared Prussia of Swedish forces in what became known as the Great Sleigh Drive. The ensuing devastation reached right to the gates of Berlin itself. Leave Feedback about your eBay ViewItem experience, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, The Great Elector: Frederick William of Brandenburg-Pr. Many of the refugees were professionals and skilled artisans. I By the end of the Thirty Years War he understood that his power depended upon having a standing army, and at the height of the war against the Dutch his army totaled forty-five thousand. Completely confused, the defenders were either killed or captured, and the town soon fell. Two years earlier, Swedens chancellor, Magnus de la Gardie, had pushed the empire into an alliance with France. The Swedes own 38 cannons, only seven of which were operational, would be unable to assist in the assault. / Harold James, The Massacre in January 1945 on the Baltic Seashore, Introduction Rival Histories of Emer De Vattel's Law of Nations*, Germans Displaced from the East: Crossing Actual and Imagined Central European Borders, 1944-1955, Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology: the Huguenot Diaspora in Prussia, Applicant Age Country of Origin Departure Date Expr1004, Geography and the Rise of Prussia After 1815, UC Berkeley Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology: the Huguenot, FREDERICK the GREAT and the SEVEN YEARS' WAR, Queen Louise of Prussia: Gender, Power, and Queenship During the Sattelzeit Era, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, The Long-Term Effects of Oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism and the Alternative Fr Deutschland, The Fall of Hitler's Fortress City: the Battle for Konigsberg, 1945, The Regional Incidence of Disease in Germany, Introduction Locating Saxony in the Landscape of German Regional History, German Immigrant Arrivals: Resources in the Library of Congress Compiled and Annotated by Barbara B. On 7 December 1646 in The Hague, Frederick William entered into a marriage, proposed by Blumenthal as a partial solution to the Jlich-Berg question, with Luise Henriette of Nassau (16271667), daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange-Nassau and Amalia of Solms-Braunfels and his 1st cousin once removed through William the Silent. Only the electors brother-in-law, John George, prince of Anhalt-Dessau, remained to contend with the surprise Swedish invasion. Instead, without any serious opposition, the Swedes fanned out across Brandenburg to pillage the countryside and replenish their army. After his wife died, he began to rule harshly. Settling into winter quarters at the end of 1674, the spirits of the Brandenburgers and their ruler were all but crushed. During the ensuing years, Frederick William had taken steps in that direction. According to Branderburger spies, the Swedes had no idea that the electors army had drawn so close. Frederick, and friendlier nickname Fred, seemed almost to have disappeared, leaving just the memory of Freds past such as Astaire, Mr. Rogers and Flintstone. Frederick William, preferring hunting rather than the arts, left court culture to Louise Henrietta, although Frederick William had neither the inclination nor, more important, the finances to emulate Louis XIVs Versailles Palace. Updates? A renowned hero of the Thirty Years War, Karl Gustav Wrangel led the 20,000 men of the Swedish army from Pomerania into Brandenburg. A loyal soldier, Derfflinger dropped his objection and set out at once. When he became elector (ruler) of Brandenburg in 1640, the country was in ruins from the Thirty Years' War; it had lost half its population from war, disease and emigration. [3], In the conflict for Pomerania inheritance, Frederick William had to accept two setbacks, one in the Northern War and one in the Scanian War. He also simplified travel in Brandenburg and the Duchy of Prussia by connecting riverways with canals, a system that was expanded by later Prussian architects, such as Georg Steenke; the system is still in use today. - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about Product Partnerships Limited - opens in a new window or tab, See terms for PayPal Credit - opens in a new window or tab. During his boyhood a marriage had been suggested between him and Christina, heir to the throne of Sweden, but although the idea was revived during the peace negotiations between Sweden and Brandenburg, it came to nothing.[2]. What was Frederick William the Great Elector known for? Initially, a lack of allies forced the Brandenburgers to halt, but 1676 brought a renewal of fortune. For this plan to work out, Poland-Lithuania had to first conclude her war against the Ottoman Empire, which French diplomacy despite great efforts failed to achieve. The resulting Treaty of Westphalia had extended Swedish control over the Baltic, most notably in Germany, where Sweden received a large portion of Pomerania. Migration;Protestants into Brandenburg Migration;Jews into Brandenburg, To encourage domestic production, foreign imports of wool, glass, iron, and other items were prohibited. On Blumenthal's advice he agreed to exempt the nobility from taxes and in return they agreed to dissolve the Estates-General. Like other rulers of the seventeenth century, he often practiced political absolutism, but on practical grounds more so than on philosophical or theological grounds. Don't forget your great guns, which are the most respectable arguments of the rights of kings. His goal was to make Prussia a powerful military state with an independent economy. Frederick William raised an army of 45,000 soldiers by 1678, through the General War Commissariat presided over by Joachim Friedrich von Blumenthal. Louis, in turn, invaded Germany proper and became an even greater menace. New York: Longman, 2001. He was an advocate of mercantilism, monopolies, subsidies, tariffs, and internal improvements. was a Hohenzollern leader who inherited the title of elector of Brandenburg. Frederick William (German: Friedrich Wilhelm; 16 February 1620 29 April 1688) was Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, thus ruler of Brandenburg-Prussia, from 1640 until his death in 1688. Carsten describes how it was the army he had founded that accomplished, in 1871, the triumphant unification of the German Empire and fought the battles of the Third Reich. Following the Thirty Years' War, which devastated much of the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick William focused on rebuilding his war-ravaged territories. Frederick the Great. Spindell was first appointed As in his previous campaign, Bournonville, despite being numerically superior to Turenne, refused to take the offensive. Led the Hungarians to one last patriotic rebellion. After marching 250 kilometres in 15 days back to Brandenburg, he caught the Swedes by surprise and managed to defeat them on the field at the Battle of Fehrbellin, destroying the myth of Swedish military invincibility. However, if victory could somehow be achieved, the prospects of increasing ones prestige and influence were tremendous. prince by consolidating his rule over a composite state of non-contiguous territories. Brandenburg now possessed an officer corps that was tied to the interests of the state rather than functioning merely as a group of mercenaries concerned with their own careers and financial gain. In five years, his armies subdued all of China. That year, the opportunity to both acquire such subsidies and test the new army in action fell into Frederick Williams lap. Related Topics. He succeeded in his goal of centralizing the administration and increasing the revenue,[2] and was an advocate of mercantilism, monopolies, subsidies, tariffs, and internal improvements. Sophia Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glcksburg, Philip, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glcksburg, Gustav Adolph, Duke of Mecklenburg-Gstrow, Joachim Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg, Articles incorporating a citation from the Encyclopedia Americana, Articles incorporating a citation from the Encyclopedia Americana with a Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia. A member of the House of Hohenzollern, he is popularly known as "The Great Elector"[1] (German language: Der Groe Kurfrst) because of his military and political prowess. **c**. In 1672, the Franco-Dutch War broke out, with Brandenburg-Prussia involved as an ally of the Dutch Republic. Sitting idle, the allied army consequently suffered terribly from a lack of provisions. Price: 113.00. His shrewd domestic reforms gave Prussia a strong position in the post-Westphalia political order of north-central Europe, setting Prussia up for elevation from duchy to kingdom, achieved under his son and successor. The electors succeeded in acquiring full sovereignty over Prussia in 1657. In the First Northern War (165560) he gained sovereignty over the duchy of Prussia. Then, during the winter of 1678-1679, Frederick William equaled the brilliance of the Fehrbellin campaign when he marched his army across the frozen lagoons at Frisches Haff and Kurisches Haff to outflank the Swedes and force them to retreat from Prussia altogether. It soon became apparent that the army, to survive, must advance into Brandenburg and begin taking its necessities by force. The elector was no friend of France. He cautiously maintained neutrality between the warring Swedes and Habsburgs, started to build a standing army, and added to his territories with the Peace of Westphalia (1648). He was dead set on retreating across the bridge, no matter what. Szn,SrMe$|TdXoZQa$$n,i/iHTR1]f:E9yM(}91{+: In fact, opposing the mighty armies of France courted disaster. His target was Waldemars contingent, which had left Alt-Brandenburg and was heading east for the small town of Fehrbellin, on the Rhine, where the Swedes planned to reunite their forces. By the time of his death, Frederick William the Great Electors small army of eight-thousand turned into a force of thirty-thousand. Item exactly as described, in perfect condition. For the full article, see, events, and resources. Condition: New. Maybe it was searching for the right antique or the perfect water lily. He wrote to Leopold in exasperation: I fear the French will follow us and my lands be totally ruined and my fortresses lost, and I will have to conclude a humiliating peace. It was no idle threat. The larger of these states, Sweden, already possessed a strong tradition as a French ally. The way to push things through to a finish effectively must be learned. Between 17,000 and 30,000 enslaved Africans were transported by the BAC to the Americas before the colony was sold to the Dutch in 1721.[9]. Their children were the following: Frederick's later years were marked by differences between his wife and his son Frederick, and influenced by Dorothea he bequeathed portions of Brandenburg to her four sons. This was exactly what Frederick William had expected; he was already ordering his victorious cavalry forward to cut off the Swedish retreat. Frederick William, 16 February 1620 - 29 Omissions? Louis was indeed growing impatient with his northern ally, suspecting the Swedes of being content to selfishly drain his coffers without lifting a finger to come to his aid. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. In his mind, the only solution was to create a formidable military that could compete with the major European powers surrounding him. He weakened representative assemblies of their territories and forced Junkers to cooperate. The two sides subsequently forged the Peace of Vossem, in which Louis asked nothing of Brandenburg and even pledged to provide the electorate with subsidies, an obvious attempt to keep it from considering a re-entry into the conflict. 225-226). The elector also oversaw the establishment of a postal system and the construction of a ten-mile-long canal, uniting the Elbe and Oder Rivers, which increased Berlins trade. temporarily unified the Nomadic tribes were in the thirteenth century. It was still the Duchy IN : The year 1661, in which Louis XIV assumed the reins of government in France, ushered in an era of vast power He had swamplands drained. A minor player on a European continent that was still recovering from the cataclysmic Thirty Years War, Brandenburg and its elector were about to change history. He had previously assumed that Sweden would refrain from any such move because of the divisions within its government and the strength of the Dutch fleet. Many thanks! When the elector finally petitioned the Dutch for aid, they agreed to dispatch their fleet to the Baltic to challenge the Swedes. They reached the hills summit and captured the Brandenburger artillery. After Fehrbellin, the Great Elector earned the leverage necessary to enlarge his peacetime army against the wishes of the noble estates. Towns and cities in the west were more prosperous than those in the east, but only Berlin benefited from the great electors reign, with the population growing from five thousand in 1648 to twenty thousand by his death. Later that year they abandoned him altogether, forging with France the Treaty of Nymwegen. He created a strong army and the best standing army in Europe. Only so far as a man believes strongly, mightily, can he act cheerfully, or do anything that is worth doing. Frederick William called off further offensives and was content to allow the remaining Swedes to withdraw. Given the grave condition of his overextended realm, more French subsidies were imperative. Frederick William also faced opposition from the estates, or parliaments, of the various Hohenzollern lands. Rallying his men, he raced to the front of the line, crying: Forward! His replacement, Alexander Graf von Bournonville, was fully prepared to maintain the allies defensive stand and even withdrew following a short-lived French offensive. In fact, Swedish envoys had eagerly helped negotiate the terms of the Peace of Vossem. They controlled lands that encompassed Spain, Austria, Low Countries, and New World territories. The Swedish incursion gave him an excellent excuse to leave behind his worthless allies along the Rhine and win martial glory for himself. WebLocated less than one hour from Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Gettysburg, the city of Frederick, Maryland is surrounded by mountain views, wineries, orchards and vibrant Main Street communities. was a Hohenzollern leader who inherited the title of elector of Brandenburg. The state was then known as Brandenburg, ruled by an elector of the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick William. In 1668 he As expected, the Holy Roman Emperor was unwilling to sacrifice any of his army in the defense of Brandenburg. Waldemar knew that the main Brandenburger army was close, but he did not fear an attack. With great fury the attackers swarmed inside the town, catching the vast majority of the Swedes asleep in their beds. Knowing that success relied entirely upon the element of surprise, he prepared to move with great speed and accordingly decided to advance with only his cavalry and as many infantry as could be loaded onto available wagons. The Great Elector: Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia. A request for support to the Austrians, however, proved pointless. In the years following the battle, he did just that. Polish king John III Sobieski planned to restore Polish suzerainty over the Duchy of Prussia, and for this purpose concluded an alliance with France on 11 June 1675. Showing search results for "Frederick William The Great Electorhole" sorted by relevance. Our database is searchable by subject and updated continuously. That miracle was about to occur. His luck regarding an unwanted second front had finally run out, but rather than be disheartened, Frederick William was ecstatic. They imply a great deal of thinking about others. Although stiffed at the peace negotiations, Brandenburg had made tremendous gains, establishing an army and a military tradition far greater than any of their German counterparts. Although the Brandenburgers put up a valiant resistance, Bournonvilles decision to withdraw the following day rather than renew the battle spoiled the stunning achievement of the electors men. The one who will be found in trial capable of great acts of love is ever the one who is always doing considerate small ones. Despite the new pact, the electors position was still perilous. After a reign of forty-eight years, Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, left behind him in 1688 a military and bureaucratic system that endured until 1945. The reign of Frederick William, the Great Elector, led to the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia as a major state in northern Germany, paving the way for the emergence of Prussia as a leading European power in the eighteenth century. Unlike Frederick William, Waldemar also possessed infantry and thus was at a decided advantage. Refresh your browser window to try again. Their mighty empire was extended beyond what its meager resources could defend, and they fought to maintain a tenuous supremacy in northern Europe. Something of a novelty in the period, Frederick William always made it a point to consult his officers in times of war. However, it was never big enough to allow him to conduct independent foreign Continue Reading Check Writing Quality You May Also Find These Documents Helpful (Shorter Notices). The elector initially allied with the Dutch during the French-Dutch War (1672-1678) French-Dutch War (1672-1678)[French Dutch War (1672-1678)] , but Louiss victories led Frederick William to abandon the Dutch and join France. In 1672, it remained vital for Brandenburg to tie itself into alliances with outside powers that were willing to provide the subsidies necessary for an enlarged military to exist. The elector invited Dutch farmers and technicians into the electorate to take over abandoned lands and to drain marshlands. He took title of Czar and adopted Byzantine court rituals. The elector was perhaps happier with Dorothea, who was more willing to join him in hunting and drinking than was Louise Henrietta. WebThe name Frederick is boy's name of German origin meaning "peaceful ruler". Despite having to traverse the formidable Thuringian Forest, which was still relatively barren of supplies after the devastation of the Thirty Years War, the Brandenburgers moved rapidly, covering nearly 200 miles in 20 days. Deciding that only the support of Louis XIV could give him Swedish Pomerania, Frederick William signed the Treaty of St. Germain St. Germain, Treaty of (1679)[Saint Germain, Treaty of (1679)] with France in 1679 in exchange for an annual subsidy, but his anticipated territories were restored to Sweden. Knigsberg, in East Prussia, declined in wealth and population because of the high economic tolls and duties that were placed on the citys commerce, while non-Prussian cities such as Riga and Danzig (Gdansk) prospered. The elder Wrangel commanded in the north, while Waldemar led the Swedish troops in Alt-Brandenburg. Frederick William reacted promptly by marching his armies from the Rhine to northern Brandenburg, and encountered the rear of the Swedish army, which was in the process of crossing a swamp, in the Battle of Fehrbellin (1675). Contrary to appearances, Montecuccoli was highly upset by his orders. Large swampsa certain detriment should a sudden, hurried retreat be necessary,! Troops in Alt-Brandenburg of eight-thousand frederick william the great elector quotes into a force of thirty-thousand Treaty of Nymwegen years War, Gustav! A renewal of fortune inside the town soon fell to join him in and! 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